RH Fine Art

Slovenian-Born (Formally Republic of Yugoslavia) Ronald Horvat has always been into art since the outset of his career. After getting his degree as an Engineer of Multimedia Production at the Institute and Academy of Multimedia in Ljubljana, Slovenia Ronald started to work for global companies and later opened his own design studio in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ronald’s Art is currently found on Fine Wine labels, coffee, juice packaging, product packaging, and on one of the biggest brands of power tools. His Designs are found in automotive wheels, toys, and aftermarket motorcycle parts in the Americas and Europe as well. Most likely if you have been to Europe, you have seen his work somewhere, even if it’s on a pair of leggings on a girl walking by.

Growing up in the Communist-Era Republic of Yugoslavia as a teen in the 80’s and 90’s, Many people did not have the means or were allowed to own a car. If you happened to have a vehicle it was illegal to put aftermarket wheels or parts on a car as many young teenagers do in America. Ronald could draw cars with whatever parts he wanted on them. Ronald would get Automotive magazines from America and treat them as if they were first edition books from the 17th century, turning each page with delicacy. This fascination with anything automotive lead to his love of the European Sportscar but not having them in his country he could only make a living drawing commercial packaging, logos, and designs.

Ronald’s “Clean Style” approach to design and art attracted the attention of an industry leader in a niche market and navigated him to America as a commercial Graphic Designer. Ronald’s visions, art and designs have brought once a young teen only armed with a pencil and paper to a world of limited-less design and fine art.